We are excited for this year in building more BVCA events and helping clubs develop their clubs across the country!

CLUB vs. CLUB Information, Guidelines, and Rules
MISSION STATEMENT: The BVCA Club vs. Club National Challenge Series was created in an effort to unite all beach volleyball clubs across America and provide a competitive environment for athletes to compete as a “team” on the National stage. Together we hope to grow the game, promote and protect our athletes, improve our programs, and work together to increase the level of juniors’ beach volleyball in the United States.
The BVCA provides an opportunity for athletes to represent their club throughout the season and participate in Club vs. Club Events, the Team Pairs National Championship, and the Individual Pairs National Championships in July. All BVCA events are “club” events and athletes and teams compete with their club members for points and match wins. BVCA events support member clubs by discouraging “club jumping” by athletes who wish to play with a partner outside of their club.
The BVCA reserves the right to refuse registration or participation to any beach club or individual at any BVCA-sanctioned event.
All athletes who wish to participate at BVCA events must register with a BVCA Annual Individual Membership. https://bvca.bracketpal.com/membership
This 2025 membership confirms that each athlete plays and practices with a specified club for the season dates of Aug 1, 2024- July 31, 2025.
The BVCA individual Membership program helps identify beach volleyball players in the United States and track which club they play for. Through this program we are able to create a national database that is used in creating a points system and rankings for clubs and pairs to be used for seeding at all BVCA events.
The BVCA Annual Membership also provides the following:
- Rules and standards to be enforced for all club events across the United States
- Gives clubs and players a true “Club” experience in which players must be part of the same club in order to compete in our events.
- A Schedule of club challenges with 5-team “squads” and 3-team “squads”, as well as Pairs events where all participating athletes must designate from the same club.
It is highly encouraged that club directors seek to fill their rosters with athletes from their local geographic region. If this is not possible, the following rules are in place for out of region or out of state athletes, as well as for athletes who request to switch clubs mid-season or join your club after the season has started.
- Beach clubs are permitted to have [2 players on a 3-team squad or 3 players on a 5-team squad] that live out of state and or more than 100 miles away from the club’s training area.
- A club can only have a MAXIMUM of 4 actively participating ”Out of Area Athletes” on their roster per year.
- Please click here to register your “Out of Area Athletes”.
- Athletes that request to switch clubs after a player has a paid membership for the current season , must get a waiver from their current club and receive approval from the BVCA.
- Email the previous Club director and ask for a release. Copy the BVCA in the email [email protected]. Please state the reason why you are asking to be released. If no reason is given for the release, the BVCA will follow up with the club for further information. After 10 days, the BVCA will finalize and accept or deny the request.
- An athlete can switch clubs one time per season unless approved by the BVCA advisory committee.
- Club directors are encouraged to release athletes who leave the club, provided the athlete has fulfilled all financial obligations and is in good standing. If a club director refuses to release the athlete, the matter will be brought to the committee for a vote to determine whether the release should be granted.
- Athletes cannot switch clubs from May 1st – July 30th. It is a dead period.
- If a player participated in 3 BVCA events for a club, then they cannot change clubs till the next season or approved by the BVCA for special circumstances.
All rosters are due in Volleyball Life by 7pm on Friday the weekend of the tournament. 100 points will be deducted for any club who has not submitted their roster by this deadline.
Clubs and/or athletes found in violation of the above requirements without approval may be sanctioned: advisory committee will advise one or more of the following:
- Loss of points from the event or suspension from participation in BVCA events.
- Inability of Club and/or player to enter further BVCA Events for that calendar year
- Suspension Player for a period of time
- Loss of Duel
- Loss of BVCA Club Membership status for the entire calendar year
Each event consists of a duel format where teams will compete with their “Squad” of teams (3 pairs) or (5 pairs) depending on the level of play offered by each promoter.
- Teams within the squad should be ranked from #1 through #5. The #1 ranked team is the beach clubs’ best team.
- The series will emulate the college game where the 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4, 5vs5 will compete in match play throughout the tournament.
- Matches are best of 3 with sets 1 and 2 scored to 21, set 3, if necessary scored to 15
- 1 timeout/1 technical timeout per team per set is allowed (except in set 3, only 1 timeout per team is permitted)
- A dual win is awarded to the club that wins 2 of 3 matches played(3 teams) or 3 of 5 matches played(5 teams).
- Each event is 2 days. Pool play Day 1, Bracket play Day 2
- Coaching is permitted for beach club coaches (See COACHING section below)
- NCAA rules will be followed (See RULES section below)
- Players that participated in an Open squad and placed 1st or 2nd in a club v club BVCA event for that season, she is no longer eligible to play in the Club division.
- If a club sends only one Open or Club division team to an event, the points earned will go to the club’s top team based on points. If the club wants their second team to earn points, the roster must clearly reflect this, with no overlap between the first and second team. The club must notify the BVCA and request 2nd team points. There could be overlapping events where a club will send their club to different tournaments on the same weekend. If there’s a joint roster, the points will automatically be assigned to the first team.
NOTE: Divisions are based athletes’ ability, not on DOB, with the exception of the Futures Division
- OPEN LEVEL (Division 1): Top competing athletes that represent the club. These athletes are likely committed or high level players actively engaged in the college recruiting process. Athletes are most likely juniors and seniors (but can be very high level younger athletes).
- CLUB LEVEL (Division 2): Typically Freshman/Sophomore athletes and/or Junior/Seniors that are still being developed. NOTE: Only 3 NCAA Division 1 committed or verbally committed players may play on one squad in the “club division”. Any BVCA athlete that has participated as a sophomore who graduates to a junior and commits after the June 14th before the National Championships will not be counted for the limit of 3.
- FUTURES: Middle school athletes ONLY (6th, 7th and 8th graders). ***NEW** The 2024 National Championship will include our first Futures Championship!!
BVCA Series Ranking Points Awarded for “Open” division with less than 8 teams in 5v5, or less than 12 in a 3v3. All “Club” division points will be awarded the same amount of points regardless of the amount of squads.
**If a club enters a second squad in a 3v3 Open, then the 2nd squad will only be able to earn 80% of points allocated based on its finish.
Points earned at BVCA Nationals will be a 2.0 multiplier
NOTE: Tournaments will be seeded with “SEEDING POINTS”.
SEEDING POINTS will be the total points of the 3 highest finishes in a 360 day calendar year.
**If a club’s seeding places the clubs 2nd squad in the same pool, then the lowest seeded team will be moved to another pool.
OPEN Division (5 vs 5): The highest ranking 16 clubs based on RANKING points (excluding points of clubs with multiple teams). The Advisory Committee will award 8 ‘At Large’ bids based on points, finishes, number of events, and will also consider clubs with a 2nd or 3rd team for qualification. A total of 24 squads will qualify.
After day 1 at the National Championship, the 3rd and 4th place squads from each pool will play in a Tier 2 Open Championship.
CLUB Division (3 vs 3): The highest ranking 16 clubs based on RANKING points (excluding points of clubs with multiple teams). The Advisory Committee will award 8 ‘At Large’ bids based on points, finishes, number of events, and will also consider clubs with a 2nd or 3rd team for qualification. A total of 24 squads will qualify.
After day 1 at the National Championship, the 3rd and 4th place squads from each pool will play in a Tier 2 Club Championship.
FUTURES Division (3 vs 3): The highest ranking 8 clubs based on RANKING points (excluding points of clubs with multiple teams).
NOTE: RANKING POINTS will be taken from a Club’s Top 4 Finishes in the BVCA Challenge Series (Open & Club divisions) to determine their points to go to the National Championships.
- Open Division 5 vs. 5 National Champion
- Open Division 5 vs. 5 (Tier 2) National Champion
- Club Division 3 vs. 3 National Champion
- Club Division 3 vs. 3 (Tier 2) National Champion
- Futures Division 3 vs. 3 National Champion
- All Coaches need a JVA or USAV background check https://jvavolleyball.org/background-screen-form/
- A signed Code of Conduct
- 3 coaches per event can coach in a match at the various positions (1 – 3 or 1 – 5).
- Coaches will be identified by a wristband at the National Championships.
- Coaches are allowed to coach during side changes (walk and talk) while athletes are moving (6 seconds).
- Coaches are allowed to coach during Time-Outs
- Coaches May Suggest Timeouts.
- Coaches are prohibited from instructing their athletes to dispute a call with the official
- Coaches are expected to dress professionally at all times. Coaches must wear appropriate apparel – No Tank Tops (Males), no Bikini Bottoms or Tops. Male Coaches must wear shirts.
- Coaches may not approach a referee to ask questions. A pair’s captain must speak to the referee if any questions arise.
- Coaches are prohibited from engaging with the opposing team’s coaches or directors during competition.
- Coaches are prohibited from engaging in disagreements or negative banter before or after a match.
- Any aggressive or excessive profanity directed at another coach, parent, or player at any BVCA event, will result in the coach or parent being removed from the event immediately.
- Any physical altercation will be handled by the police.
- Parents are prohibited from coaching from the sidelines or calling out the score.
- If coaches are found getting involved in referee calls, coaching their team in the match, or talking to the opposing teams’ players, the coach will be given a warning by the Tournament Director. If it continues, the coach will be ejected from the game and removed from the event for the day.
- If a club has a 2nd refraction, then the current match that is being played will be forfeited.
- If a coach has a question about a call, that coach must go to the tournament director.
- Each player must have club representation identifiable by name or logo on their top or bottom. Team club designation must always be visible to spectators and coaches during a match. (We want to be able to look at the court and see your players wearing your name or logo on at least 1 item)
- It is highly recommended for clubs to have athletes wear shorts/leggings and tank tops/sport performance tops such as Lulu Lemon tops or t-shirts during competitions.
- BIKINI TOPS OR BOTTOMS are not allowed to be played in.
- Line-Ups must be submitted and verified before each match on the “Duel Match Lineup Form” provided at the tournament desk.
- All Rosters must be online listed on Bracket Pal the Wednesday before each event
- Line-Ups should be in order of 1 (strongest) – 5 (weakest) with a Club’s Teams
- Teams/players may be moved up or down one spot from the previous match and substitute players may be inserted anywhere in the line-up as long as they were out of the line-up for the previous match.
- Each team may bring substitute players and insert that player into the lineup per match. The player subbed out must re-enter the lineup at the flight they were originally removed from.
- A substitute player on the roster can only play for one squad in a club and is prohibited to rotate between two squads. The penalty is an illegal substitution, and one squad will have to forfeit the flight matches.
If a club wants to protest a match because they believe a team has unfairly ranked their teams, here is the process..
- BEFORE the match starts, submit to the tournament director a piece of paper with the formal argument about why you feel the other club is not placing their team in the appropriate flight. The tournament director will get input from the club that is being protested against, check scores or look at previous tournament rosters, etc. The tournament director will make a final decision if the team can stay at the flight originally assigned or direct them to move up or down.
- If there is an injury during the game – the team will forfeit that match and then a substitute player can be inserted for the next match.
- If an alternate athlete from your club is available, they can be substituted into the line-up before the next match starts.
- If one of your athletes on another squad is still actively playing in the event then they may fill the spot but will be counted as a forfeit at the 5’s flight. If a player is no longer playing in the event, then the Tournament Director may allow the athlete to be an alternate as long as the athlete is not playing down a division. For example, an open player could not substitute for an injured player in the club division.
- If no substitution from the same club is available, clubs are allowed to use an available player from an opposing club. The substituted player from another club can only play in the 5th flight as a forfeit and every match in that flight played by the substituted player is forfeited.
- Club directors must register their teams for each event. https://bvca.bracketpal.com/index
- Paid Registrations will NOT be refunded for clubs unable to attend for any reason if they back out within 30 – days of the event. If the tournament director can fill the spot, a refund may be offered at the discretion of the BVCA.
- The BVCA reserves the right to refuse registration or participation to any beach club or individual at any BVCA sanctioned event.
We hold our events and participants to the highest standards of integrity and have set guidelines to be followed by participants and clubs.
- If a BVCA event has already started and a beach club participant and/or beach club has not followed or untruthfully agreed to any of the guidelines, we hold the right to disqualify the team and/or player and not award any points to their club. Disqualified participants will NOT receive a refund.